
Welcome to our wedding doughnut page, where we offer an exquisite and delightful alternative to traditional wedding cakes. At Cranky’s, we believe that love should be celebrated in all its forms, and what better way to do so than with mouthwatering, freshly fried doughnuts? Our unique and customizable creations are sure to leave a lasting impression on your special day.

Customization Options:

We understand that every wedding is unique, and that’s why we offer various customization options to make your doughnuts even more special:

  • Personalized Toppings
  • Custom Flavors
  • Giant Doughnuts
  • Letter Doughnuts
  • Doughnut Walls & Doughnut Towers
  • Delivery & Set up
  • Trays, Tongs, & Doughnut Signs

Ordering Information:

To place an order or inquire about our wedding doughnuts, follow these three simple steps below:

  • Fill out Wedding Doughnut Form
  • Schedule a 30 minute wedding meeting (At Cranky’s or virtual)
  • Book your wedding with Cranky’s